The Tudog Group - Fri, 03 May 2024 01:25:20 +0000 Joomla! 1.6 - Open Source Content Management en-gb Foreign Start-Ups and the USA It is easy to understand why foreign start-up companies set their sights on the United States. In many respects the U.S. is a foreign company’s paradise. The market is huge, the competitive environment is (for the most part) fair and free, and the channels to market are established and generally eager to do business. While these are all enticing, they also tend to lure the young newcomer into a false sense of security, making it, in the end, much harder for the foreign start-up to get started than was anticipated back in the home country.

]]> (Craig Frank) Wed, 17 Mar 2010 19:12:00 +0000
Characteristics of a Successful American Corporate Culture Succeeding in the United States requires good business instincts, a compelling product, a solid strategy, skill in execution, and the ability to operate within the boundaries of accepted and anticipated corporate behavior.

Operating in the U.S. market requires certain adjustments that reflect the prevailing corporate culture in the United States. The value of a compatible corporate culture is seen in the way you motivate and manage your employees, the way you project your image to the community, the way you engage in sales and marketing, and, of course, the way you manage your client accounts. Engaging in any of these fundamental and critical tasks outside the limits of accepted corporate culture can lead to misunderstandings, missed opportunities, high staff turnover, client exodus, and, ultimately reduced revenues and a falling company value.

]]> (Craig Frank) Tue, 21 Jul 2009 15:05:52 +0000
Doing Business in the United States (more) more articles...

Getting Started in the U.S. Market

Knowing Americans for Better Business Interactions

Negotiating Tips for the U.S. Market

Pricing Considerations for the U.S. Market

Selling Effectively in the U.S. Market

Talking U.S. Marketing – Take One

Talking U.S. Marketing – Take Two

Understanding U.S. Retail

]]> (Craig Frank) Sun, 11 Sep 2011 19:18:20 +0000